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Student Report

Please note that the information collected on this form is for student's parent purposes at the CanHomestay only.

Student Ratings

Answer the following questions using the following scale:

1 = NO, 2 = somewhat NO, 3 = SOMEWHAT, 4 = somewhat YES, 5 = YES

1. Is the student adjusting to the host family and family life?
2. Is the student able to communicate in English with his/her host family?
3. Is the student participating in activities with the homestay family?
4. Does the student feel comfortable speaking with you openly and honestly?
5. Have you seen improvement in the student’s speaking and comprehension English ability?

6. Please list any activities in which the student and host family have participated together:

7. Please list any current problems or concerns

8. Please list general comments about the student:

Please include the pictures to share with the student’s family. Ideal pictures may be something like the student enjoying time with family

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